Important News and Updates [Newsletter Repost]

If you have signed up to receive the MBBs newsletter, the following information should already be in your inbox. I am reposting the information here for those who may not be subscribed to our newsletter.

Newsletter Purpose

Our goals for future newsletters are the following:
  1. To provide a comprehensive list of bookish events in the Midwest. The newsletter will be sent out once a month on the first and will include events for that month, plus two weeks of the next month.
  2. To link to event (signings, festivals, etc.) recaps posted by Midwestern bloggers. If you missed an event or a favorite author didn’t quite make it your way, linking up recaps is a great way to experience some of the fun anyway. And BONUS: if it’s your recap, it’s promotion for your blog. (If you wrote or will write a recap for the month of October, we’ve got a form you can use to submit your link.)

If there is anything else you would like to see in our newsletter, please let us know by sending an email to At some point in the future, we may also consider featuring bloggers or independent bookstores.

I am hoping that the first newsletter will go out November 1st.

Planned Changes

In an effort to streamline the process of collecting and disseminating event information, we have decided to combine the Events Coordinator and State Delegate positions into eight Regional Events Coordinator positions. The Regional Events Coordinators (REC) will be in charge of collecting event information and forwarding it on to the person in charge of the newsletter (at the moment, I am that person). If you know of an event in your area, you should contact your REC. Their contact information (or their preferred method of contact) will be placed on our website on the About page.

There are a few reasons for this change. One, there are too many events for one person to keep track of. Two, the previous set-up would have involved too many people and would have likely resulted in more confusion than necessary. And finally, by separating the Midwest into regions that are centered around metropolitan areas, we hope that you can develop and establish relationships with bloggers in your area—people you are likely to see at events.

Call for Help

Because of the changes we made with Events Coordinators, we have a few spots that we need to fill. And if you were interested in becoming a State Delegate, you might consider becoming a REC, as the responsibilities are virtually the same. The following is a list of our proposed regions. The regions are not set in stone (alas, my knowledge of the regions extends only so far). If you have suggestions about how to structure the regions or if you are interested in becoming a REC, please let us know. We already have RECs for Chicago and Ohio (listed in brackets).

  • Chicago [Sarah/The Brazen Bookworm]
  • Indiana—excludes Chicago suburbs
  • Kansas City—also includes events in Kansas and Nebraska
  • Michigan
  • Ohio [Jenny/Supernatural Snark]
  • St. Louis–also includes events in Missouri (minus KC) and part of Illinois
  • Twin Cities—also includes events in greater Minnesota, Iowa, and the Dakotas
  • Wisconsin

Thank you!